Welcome third phase founders!

As Agripioneers we take a moment to extend a warm welcome to you as the founders with different business ideas. we would like to express our happiness to have you join our third phase in 2023.

We will help you to turn your business ideas into reality through knowledge and skills you get from our training with investment, and we believe that your business holds a potential to make a significant impact in the agricultural sector.

We are truly honored to have you on this phase and we look forward to witnessing the growth and success of your business and we are happily to be a part of your journey.

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A successful team is a group of many hands act on one idea where allows to drive business into opportunity of helping farmers, women and youth. As a leading agribusiness incubation hub in Tanzania, we are looking forward to help and support a third cohort in 2023. And we are so happy to announce that the window now is open for the youth who are champion in addressing agriculture into a business to eradicate challenges with the society.

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Arrival of 2nd cohort of founders

Congratulations for being selected to join the agribusiness youth incubation hub here in Kasulu as you 21 participants have been selected out from 197 applicants where 145 were male and 52 female. Your brilliant ideas have brought you to our program and from now on we will be working together to make your dream visible and applicable. 

You are warmly welcome. 

The list of second cohort 2022 

Gaudence Bruno Bilanyobeye – Dar es salam

Ester Mjema – Kigoma 

Elia Mhina – Dar es Salam 

Benjamin Kanuda –mwanza

Victoria Andason Rutumo – Buhigwe 

John Emmanuel Makonda – mwanza 

Meshack Sanga – Njombe 

Eliazari Ntibenda – Kasulu 

Verediana Magai – mwanza 

Jakson Katanda – mwanza 

Rehema Elisha – Kasulu 

Selivasia Maliwanga –Bagamoyo 

Paulina Walter –Dar es salam 

Chiza Buyekwa – Kigoma 

Julieth Charles – dar es salam 

Faith sauli francis – Shunga

Vares Mdugo Ruvunagu- Kasulu

Joshua Muia – Kenya 

Sinodi Mkuyu – Kasulu 

Shedrack Kimanuka – Kasulu 

Vigirious Mukuka – Zambia

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Congratulations to our first Agripioneers graduates!

We congratulate our first Agripioneers for their commitment and hard work to finalize a concrete business plan and proof of concept out of their business idea.

Founders' visit of the free agricultural land for testing

The social impact they are going to have on the farmers and consumers will make a true difference on fighting hunger and increasing food price stability.

We are looking for investors and business angels willing to support those startups making their plans come true. Have a look at their business introduction at: https://agripioneers.org/portfolio/

For any questions or feedback, please leave us a message at info@agripioneers.org

Lets stop talking about fighting hunger, lets start acting!

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Welcome to all new Agripioneers

We highly welcome our Agripioneers to Kasulu, Kigoma region. After a one week IT training program, we have just started to understand more on how the business idea can be translated into a business plan and model. We welcome:

Method Nicolaus
Simon Mzelwa
Oscar Dedan Emmanuel
Gideon Kalimanzira
silius stanslaus manabhi
Kolumba Mlengela
Kadya Sephania
Shaangwa Francis Ikayo
Daniel Kisoko
Herbeth Sanga
Helman Emmanuel
Aksa Legan Zungu

We are excited to see your business ideas become alive!

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Start of the first cohort of Agribusiness founders

We are excited to welcome our first cohort of agribusiness founders to Kasulu. On 12th July, we will start with the IT lectures. Other topics covered will be:

Development of the Business model

Competitors’ and market analysis

Finances, Accounting and Fundraising

Sales and Marketing

Operations and HR

During the whole process we will show our great entrepreneurs and their development on this website. Take frequent visits to see the development of the founders.

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