We congratulate our first Agripioneers for their commitment and hard work to finalize a concrete business plan and proof of concept out of their business idea.

The social impact they are going to have on the farmers and consumers will make a true difference on fighting hunger and increasing food price stability.
We are looking for investors and business angels willing to support those startups making their plans come true. Have a look at their business introduction at: https://agripioneers.org/portfolio/

For any questions or feedback, please leave us a message at info@agripioneers.org
Lets stop talking about fighting hunger, lets start acting!
Asheri Mathias
March 25, 2022I thank you for this financial project, I have question to you, are you dealing with only crops production, or agriculture in general which means both animal and crops production?
March 25, 2022We support all businesses that work in the area of agriculture. This also includes animal production, AgTech, agricultural machinery production, processing, food tech, etc.
Grace Joseph
April 26, 2022Agricultur machinery production
Abdallah Shaban Musa
April 1, 2022I love and blessing what you people doing in agriculture,save the farmers from this poverty
Alois Porokwa
April 8, 2022I would like joining the school at the end of May. Is it possible getting courses on both crops and livestock ? I have a land here where I cam invest if I get a donor in the future.